Wellington Enduro Series AGM

Prize Giving and AGM - 8 August 2024

The 2024 Wellington Enduro Series has come to a close. We’ll be repeating last year’s prize giving / AGM / trail area update format again, so save the 8th of August, at the Mt Victoria Bowling Club.

This year, our President and Secretary will be retiring, so we'll be looking for new officers to cover these essential roles. As always, we have 3 officer roles (President, Secretary and Treasurer) who will be elected.

If you're interested in being on the committee, and you want to know what's involved, drop us an email at president@wmtbc.org.nz and we'll get you more information.

We'll provide a BBQ, the bowling club bar will be open, and it'll be a great chance to hear from trail groups from across the city on their progress and plans for the future.

We hope to see you there!


2024-2025 Wellington Enduro Series